About Len Nasman

Len Nasman is the retired president of Microcomputer Education Systems Inc. of Waverly, Ohio. The company has been involved in developing instructional materials for training new CAD users. The company has also developed computer assisted instruction software and interactive videodisc systems. Len and his wife Diana retired to Bristol Village in Waverly, OH in 2007.
Len has a varied background in engineering graphics and education. He started his career as a drafter at Bell Labs in Whippany, NJ and, after completing his bachelor's degree, worked for a number of years as a Design Engineer in the aerospace industry. He taught Drafting and Design at Trinidad State Community College in Colorado, and received his Master's and Ph.D. degrees in Vocational Technical Education from Colorado State University. After nine years in Vocational Technical Teacher Education in Colorado and Texas, he returned to his roots by accepting an assignment in the Engineering Graphics Department at The Ohio State University in 1982.
After 17 years at Ohio State Len moved full time to Microcomputer Education Systems Inc. (the company he founded) to develop CAD (Computer Aided Design) books, video tapes, and other instructional materials. Over 100,000 copies of his books and instructional videotapes have been distributed world-wide. (A recent search on World Cat revealed that libraries as far away as Hong Kong, South Africa, and Singapore have copies of Len's Engineering Drawing Videos.)
Len is now retired and is busier then ever with his hobbies which include; music, photography, table tennis, and playing with computers. Since moving to Bristol Village, Len has been active in the local Computer Club, and has been working with the Sight and Sound Committee maintaining and upgrading audio/video equipment and 'working the booth' for local programs that are transmitted to the Village on cable television. He developed the Bristol Village residents web site and in the Computer Club section of the site has place a number of tutorials including instructions for using LibreOffice.
About the Lenshamn web site
The first version of the web site was created using Microsoft Front Page. This was a fairly friendly development tool that allowed for creating web sites without having to learn the intracies of html code creation. It was possible to create fairly complex multiple page web sites with navigation buttons and photo galleries using a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) interface with Front Page. At some point, Microsoft stopped supporting Front Page, and replaced it with Microsoft Expression Web. Unfortunately, Expression Web is not as beginner friendly as Front Page.
I explored several different WYSIWYG type web development alternatives, but did not find one that provided the control I wanted. They are fine for relatively simple sites that stick with preset formatting, but I wanted more flexibility. So I finally bit the bullet, bought a copy of Expresion Web, picked up a couple of books on the subject, and went through a number of on-line tutorials.
Developing web sites using Expression Web requires learning the basics of HTML (HyperText Markup Language), CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and DWT (Dynamic Web Template) files. For me this required quite a few hours of study and experimenting. One thing I learned is that the source code syntax is very fussy. It reminds me of the old days of computer programming where one misplaced semicolon or bracket could cause a bug that can be very difficult to trace and fix.
BTW, If you want to get a glimpse of the source code behind any web page, you can easily see it using Firefox or Internet Explorer. In Firefox, select Tools, Web Developer, Page Source. With Internet Explorer, select Tools, developer tools.
Anyway, for better or worse, after uncounted hours the result is what you see here. I hope you find it a little bit interesting or amusing.